Program Tip

Qt 링커 오류 : "vtable에 대한 정의되지 않은 참조"

programtip 2020. 12. 2. 21:44

Qt 링커 오류 : "vtable에 대한 정의되지 않은 참조"

이것은 내 헤더입니다.


#include <QObject>
//! The First Draw of the BarelySocket!

class BarelySocket: public QObject

public slots:
    void sendMessage(Message aMessage);
    void reciveMessage(Message aMessage);

    //   QVector<Message> reciveMessages;


이것은 내 수업입니다.

#include <QTGui>
#include <QObject>
#include "type.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "server.h"

#include "barelysocket.h"


void BarelySocket::sendMessage(Message aMessage)

void BarelySocket::reciveMessage(Message aMessage)

링커 오류가 발생합니다.

undefined reference to 'vtable for BarelySocket'
  • 이것은 구현되지 않은 가상 방법이 있음을 의미합니다. 하지만 내 수업에는 가상 메서드가 없습니다.
  • 원인이라고 생각하고 벡터를 주석 처리했지만 오류가 사라지지 않았습니다.
  • Message복잡한입니다 struct만, 심지어 사용 int하는 대신 일을 해결하지 않았다.

Q_OBJECT 매크로에 새 호출을 추가 할 때마다 qmake를 다시 실행해야합니다. 당신이 언급하는 vtables 문제는 그것과 직접 관련이 있습니다.

qmake를 실행하고 코드에 다른 문제가 없다고 가정하면 좋습니다.

I've seen a lot of ways to solve the problem, but no explanation for why it happens, so here goes.

When the compiler sees a class with virtual functions (directly declared or inherited), it must generate a vtable for that class. Since classes are generally defined in headers (and thus appear in multiple translation units), the question is where to place the vtable.

In general, the problem can be solved by generating the vtable in every TU where the class is defined, and then let the linker eliminate duplicates. Since class definitions are required to be the same on every occurrence by the ODR, this is safe. However, it also slows down compilation, bloats object files, and requires the linker to do more work.

As an optimization, therefore, compilers will, when possible, choose a specific TU to put the vtable in. In the common C++ ABI, this TU is the one where the key function of the class is implemented in, where the key function is the first virtual member function that is declared in the class, but not defined.

In the case of Qt classes, they usually start with the Q_OBJECT macro, and this macro contains the declaration

virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const;

which, since it is the first virtual function in the macro, will generally be the first virtual function of the class and thus its key function. The compiler will therefore not emit the vtable in most TUs, only the one that implements metaObject. And this function's implementation is written automatically by moc when it processes the header. Thus, you need to have moc process your header to generate a new .cpp file, and then include the .cpp file in your compilation.

So when you have a new header that defines a QObject-derived class, you need to rerun qmake so that it updates your makefiles to run moc on the new header and compile the resulting .cpp file.

I ran into this error after I created a little class inside a small "main.cpp" file that I had created to test something.

After futzing for an hour or so, I finally moved that class out of main.cpp and into a standalone hpp file, updated the .pro (project) file and the project then built perfectly fine. That may not have been the issue here but I figured it would be useful information anyway.

From experience: oftentimes a qmake && make clean && make helps. I personally perceive that sometimes the change discovery / caching effects / whatever-I-don't-know xxxxx. I can't say why, but it's the first thing I do when I encounter this kind of error.

btw. there's a typo at > recive <

You forgot to call the QObject constructor in your constructor (in the initializer list). (It doesn't resolve the error though)

For me, I noticed from build logs that moc wasn't called. Clean All didn't help. So I removed .pro.user, restarted IDE and it did the trick.

Signals must not have an implementation (This wil be generated by Qt). Remove the reciveMessage implementation from your .cpp file. This may solve your problem.

An other thing I've seen: Since the BarelySocket class inherit from QObject it must have a virtual destructor to avoid problem during destruction. This must be done for all class that inherit from an other class.

When you derive a class from QOBject (and use the Q_OBJECT macro), don't forget to specifically define and create both the constructor and destructor classes. It's not enough to use the compiler default constructor/destructors. The advice on cleaning/running qmake (and clearing out your moc_ files) still applies. This fixed my similar problem.

I struggled with this error hours. Solved it by putting the .cpp and .h file in a separate folder (!!) . Then added the folder in the .pro file : INCLUDEPATH += $${_PRO_FILE_PWD_}/../MyClasses/CMyClassWidget

and then added the .cpp and .h file. Works at last.

I found another reason why you might see this - since qmake parses through your class files if you have modified them in a non-standard way you may get this error. In my case I had a custom dialog that inherited from QDialog, but I only wanted that to compile and run when building for Linux, not Windows or OSX. I just #ifdef __linux__ the class out so it didn't compile, but in Linux even though __linux__ was defined it was throwing off qmake.

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