Program Tip

플러그인 오류 : 필수 플러그인 'Android 지원'이 비활성화 됨

programtip 2020. 10. 22. 22:22

플러그인 오류 : 필수 플러그인 'Android 지원'이 비활성화 됨

내 logcat에 플러그인 오류가 있습니다.

   10:08:28 PM Plugin Error
        Problems found loading plugins:
        Plugin "Google Analytics Uploader" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
        Plugin "SDK Updater" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
        Plugin "Android NDK Support" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
        Plugin "Google App Indexing" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
        Plugin "Google Cloud Tools For Android Studio" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
        Plugin "Google Cloud Testing" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
        Plugin "Google Services" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
        Disable not loaded plugins
        Enable Android Support
        Open plugin manager
 10:08:32 PM Error Loading Project: Cannot load 3 facets Details...

이것은 노트북을 잠자기 상태로두고 안드로이드 스튜디오를 열었을 때이 오류가 발생했습니다. 이제 내 프로젝트를 실행할 수 없습니다.

요컨대 :

  • Windows (및 Linux ) : 파일-> 설정-> 플러그인-> Android 지원 활성화로 이동합니다.

  • Mac : Android Studio-> 환경 설정-> 플러그인-> Android 지원 활성화

여기에 이미지 설명 입력

오류를 살펴보면 해결책도 찾을 수 있습니다.

3- Disable not loaded plugins
2- Enable Android Support
1- Open plugin manager

같은 오류가 발생했습니다. 이 문제를 적어도 일시적으로 수정 한 방법은 다음과 같습니다 (전문가가이를 수정하는 가장 좋은 방법을 보여줄 때까지).

(On a Mac) Go to Android Studio -> Preferences -> Plugins. 

You'll notice that "Android Support" Plugin is unchecked. Uncheck the "Google Cloud Testing" plugin and then check the "Android Support" plugin. Hit the Apply button and then click OK. The IDE will ask you to restart to bring the changes into effect. Hit OK and when the IDE restarts, your code should be working fine.

Go to Settings->Plugins->IDE Settings and just disable and enable again needed plugins.

go as flow file-->settings-->plugins. then uncheck the red options. apply settings You will get error message no problem. recheck the unchecked options. press ok. it will request to restart android studio press ok button and it will solve the problem and work again.

I had the same issue and was unable to enable Android Support plugin. Then I disable Google Cloud plugins and Firebase plugins and then enable the Android Support plugin. After AS restart I was able to re enable Google Cloud and Firebase plugins.

  • Open the file c:\users\username.AndroidStudio2.3\config\disabled_plugins.txt
  • delete the line ""
  • restart Android Studio's solution also works in Linux:

File--> Settings--> Plugins --> Enable Android Support

스크린 샷 설정 플러그인

Or just click Reset in the top right.

I too faced this issue, If you uncheck then check on any dependency(red colour) plugin then IDE will prompt a dialog to enable "Android Support" accept it and restart IDE problem will be solved.

영어 (제 경우에는 힌디어) 이외의 기본 언어를 설정 한 PC에 설치하는 경우 Android 스튜디오가 시작되지 않습니다. 먼저 시스템 언어를 영어로 변경하십시오. 나는이 문제에 두 번 직면했습니다.

문제는 user_name이 다른 다른 PC에서 Android 스튜디오 설정을 가져 왔다는 것입니다. 따라서 SDK 위치는 c : / users / mmstq / appdata / local / android / android-sdk로 설정되었지만 다행히도 이전 설정을 백업했습니다. SDK 위치가 c : / users / matlo / appdata / local / android / android-sdk

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