numpy 배열에서 다른 배열로 데이터를 복사하는 방법
배열 a의 주소를 수정하지 않고 배열 b에서 배열 a로 데이터를 복사하는 가장 빠른 방법은 무엇입니까? 외부 라이브러리 (PyFFTW)가 변경할 수없는 배열에 대한 포인터를 사용하기 때문에 이것이 필요합니다.
예를 들면 :
a = numpy.empty(n, dtype=complex)
for i in xrange(a.size):
a[i] = b[i]
루프없이 할 수 있습니까?
나는 믿는다
a = numpy.empty_like (b)
a[:] = b
딥 카피를 빠르게 만들 것입니다. Funsi가 언급했듯이 최신 버전의 numpy에도 copyto
기능이 있습니다.
numpy 버전 1.7에는 원하는 작업을 수행하는 numpy.copyto 함수가 있습니다.
numpy.copyto (dst, src)
한 배열에서 다른 배열로 값을 복사하고 필요에 따라 브로드 캐스팅합니다.
참조 :
a = numpy.array(b)
numpy v1.6까지 제안 된 솔루션보다 훨씬 빠르며 배열의 복사본도 만듭니다. 그러나 최신 버전의 numpy가 없기 때문에 copyto (a, b)에 대해 테스트 할 수 없습니다.
귀하의 질문에 답하기 위해 몇 가지 변형을 사용하여 프로파일 링했습니다.
결론 : numpy 배열에서 다른 배열로 데이터를 복사하려면 내장 된 numpy 함수 중 하나를 사용 numpy.array(src)
하거나 numpy.copyto(dst, src)
가능할 때마다 사용하십시오.
(하지만 dst
의 메모리가 이미 할당 된 경우 나중에 메모리를 다시 사용하려면 항상 나중에 선택 하십시오. 게시물 끝에있는 프로파일 링을 참조하십시오.)
프로파일 링 설정
import timeit
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display
def profile_this(methods, setup='', niter=10 ** 4, p_globals=None, **kwargs):
if p_globals is not None:
print('globals: {0}, tested {1:.0e} times'.format(p_globals, niter))
timings = np.array([timeit.timeit(method, setup=setup, number=niter,
globals=p_globals, **kwargs) for
method in methods])
ranking = np.argsort(timings)
timings = np.array(timings)[ranking]
methods = np.array(methods)[ranking]
speedups = np.amax(timings) / timings
pd.set_option('html', False)
data = {'time (s)': timings,
'speedup': ['{:.2f}x'.format(s) if 1 != s else '' for s in speedups],
'methods': methods}
data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['time (s)', 'speedup', 'methods'])
프로파일 링 코드
setup = '''import numpy as np; x = np.random.random(n)'''
methods = (
'''y = np.zeros(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x''',
'''y = np.zeros_like(x); y[:] = x''',
'''y = np.empty(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x''',
'''y = np.empty_like(x); y[:] = x''',
'''y = np.copy(x)''',
'''y = x.astype(x.dtype)''',
'''y = 1*x''',
'''y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x)''',
'''y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x, casting='no')''',
'''y = np.empty(n)\nfor i in range(x.size):\n\ty[i] = x[i]'''
for n, it in ((2, 6), (3, 6), (3.8, 6), (4, 6), (5, 5), (6, 4.5)):
profile_this(methods[:-1:] if n > 2 else methods, setup,
niter=int(10 ** it), p_globals={'n': int(10 ** n)})
Intel i7 CPU, CPython v3.5.0, numpy v1.10.1의 Windows 7에 대한 결과 .
globals: {'n': 100}, tested 1e+06 times
time (s) speedup methods
0 0.386908 33.76x y = np.array(x)
1 0.496475 26.31x y = x.astype(x.dtype)
2 0.567027 23.03x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x)
3 0.666129 19.61x y = np.empty_like(x); y[:] = x
4 0.967086 13.51x y = 1*x
5 1.067240 12.24x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x, casting=...
6 1.235198 10.57x y = np.copy(x)
7 1.624535 8.04x y = np.zeros(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
8 1.626120 8.03x y = np.empty(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
9 3.569372 3.66x y = np.zeros_like(x); y[:] = x
10 13.061154 y = np.empty(n)\nfor i in range(x.size):\n\ty[...
globals: {'n': 1000}, tested 1e+06 times
time (s) speedup methods
0 0.666237 6.10x y = x.astype(x.dtype)
1 0.740594 5.49x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x)
2 0.755246 5.39x y = np.array(x)
3 1.043631 3.90x y = np.empty_like(x); y[:] = x
4 1.398793 2.91x y = 1*x
5 1.434299 2.84x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x, casting=...
6 1.544769 2.63x y = np.copy(x)
7 1.873119 2.17x y = np.empty(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
8 2.355593 1.73x y = np.zeros(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
9 4.067133 y = np.zeros_like(x); y[:] = x
globals: {'n': 6309}, tested 1e+06 times
time (s) speedup methods
0 2.338428 3.05x y = np.array(x)
1 2.466636 2.89x y = x.astype(x.dtype)
2 2.561535 2.78x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x)
3 2.603601 2.74x y = np.empty_like(x); y[:] = x
4 3.005610 2.37x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x, casting=...
5 3.215863 2.22x y = np.copy(x)
6 3.249763 2.19x y = 1*x
7 3.661599 1.95x y = np.empty(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
8 6.344077 1.12x y = np.zeros(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
9 7.133050 y = np.zeros_like(x); y[:] = x
globals: {'n': 10000}, tested 1e+06 times
time (s) speedup methods
0 3.421806 2.82x y = np.array(x)
1 3.569501 2.71x y = x.astype(x.dtype)
2 3.618747 2.67x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x)
3 3.708604 2.61x y = np.empty_like(x); y[:] = x
4 4.150505 2.33x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x, casting=...
5 4.402126 2.19x y = np.copy(x)
6 4.917966 1.96x y = np.empty(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
7 4.941269 1.96x y = 1*x
8 8.925884 1.08x y = np.zeros(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
9 9.661437 y = np.zeros_like(x); y[:] = x
globals: {'n': 100000}, tested 1e+05 times
time (s) speedup methods
0 3.858588 2.63x y = x.astype(x.dtype)
1 3.873989 2.62x y = np.array(x)
2 3.896584 2.60x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x)
3 3.919729 2.58x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x, casting=...
4 3.948563 2.57x y = np.empty_like(x); y[:] = x
5 4.000521 2.53x y = np.copy(x)
6 4.087255 2.48x y = np.empty(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
7 4.803606 2.11x y = 1*x
8 6.723291 1.51x y = np.zeros_like(x); y[:] = x
9 10.131983 y = np.zeros(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
globals: {'n': 1000000}, tested 3e+04 times
time (s) speedup methods
0 85.625484 1.24x y = np.empty_like(x); y[:] = x
1 85.693316 1.24x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x)
2 85.790064 1.24x y = np.empty_like(x); np.copyto(y, x, casting=...
3 86.342230 1.23x y = np.empty(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
4 86.954862 1.22x y = np.zeros(n, dtype=x.dtype); y[:] = x
5 89.503368 1.18x y = np.array(x)
6 91.986177 1.15x y = 1*x
7 95.216021 1.11x y = np.copy(x)
8 100.524358 1.05x y = x.astype(x.dtype)
9 106.045746 y = np.zeros_like(x); y[:] = x
Also, see results for a variant of the profiling where the destination's memory is already pre-allocated during value copying, since y = np.empty_like(x)
is part of the setup:
globals: {'n': 100}, tested 1e+06 times
time (s) speedup methods
0 0.328492 2.33x np.copyto(y, x)
1 0.384043 1.99x y = np.array(x)
2 0.405529 1.89x y[:] = x
3 0.764625 np.copyto(y, x, casting='no')
globals: {'n': 1000}, tested 1e+06 times
time (s) speedup methods
0 0.453094 1.95x np.copyto(y, x)
1 0.537594 1.64x y[:] = x
2 0.770695 1.15x y = np.array(x)
3 0.884261 np.copyto(y, x, casting='no')
globals: {'n': 6309}, tested 1e+06 times
time (s) speedup methods
0 2.125426 1.20x np.copyto(y, x)
1 2.182111 1.17x y[:] = x
2 2.364018 1.08x y = np.array(x)
3 2.553323 np.copyto(y, x, casting='no')
globals: {'n': 10000}, tested 1e+06 times
time (s) speedup methods
0 3.196402 1.13x np.copyto(y, x)
1 3.523396 1.02x y[:] = x
2 3.531007 1.02x y = np.array(x)
3 3.597598 np.copyto(y, x, casting='no')
globals: {'n': 100000}, tested 1e+05 times
time (s) speedup methods
0 3.862123 1.01x np.copyto(y, x)
1 3.863693 1.01x y = np.array(x)
2 3.873194 1.01x y[:] = x
3 3.909018 np.copyto(y, x, casting='no')
you can easy use:
b = 1*a
this is the fastest way, but also have some problems. If you don't define directly the dtype
of a
and also doesn't check the dtype
of b
you can get into trouble. For example:
a = np.arange(10) # dtype = int64
b = 1*a # dtype = int64
a = np.arange(10.) # dtype = float64
b = 1*a # dtype = float64
a = np.arange(10) # dtype = int64
b = 1. * a # dtype = float64
I hope, I could make the point clear. Sometimes you will have a data type change with just one little operation.
There are many different things you can do:
a=np.array(b) # Does exactly the same as np.copy
a[:]=b # a needs to be preallocated
Things that don't work
a=b[:] # This have given my code bugs
Why not to use
a = 0 + b
I think it is similar to previous multiplication but might be simpler.
참고URL :
'Program Tip' 카테고리의 다른 글
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